Dawn Meredith's published books

Runaway book II of the Flight trilogy
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8303573949 
Sye, a girl of secrets, is tormented by a fierce, thundering voice in her head, which turns out to be an angry dragon trying to communicate with her. As The Golden One she has been told she has a destiny, as the bringer of turmoil and change to her people, Dragonkind, who have been under the oppressive rule of the Meer for a hundred years. But the burden of this destiny feels too heavy. The dragon demands she help him find long lost kin in the frozen northern kingdom of Shagrath, a place of unknown dangers. And for what? What is this dragon, Ballickh Ry, to her? And yet the thrill of a new challenge, far away from her home and all its responsibilities is appealing. Sye is torn between duty, her love of two brothers, and her destiny. The only option is to run away from it all. 
click here  to buy from Amazon

Secrets of the Water Meadow
ISBN 978-0645983548
All her life Freya has been told that the havfruer of the deep, green fjord are dark angels who lure children into the water and drown them. But Freya is certain that if she sings a havfrue to the shore, they can be friends. To her surprise and joy, it works! Family secrets come to the surface too, making all the adults upset. Freya’s sister Lisbet suddenly becomes angry and depressed holding in a secret of her own. And so Freya seeks comfort and advice from Lorelei, her havfrue friend, that no one else has seen. When someone she loves falls into the cold waters and is in danger of drowning, can Freya really trust this mysterious, oddly beautiful creature to help? Or will Lorelei choose the darker side of her nature?
Set against the magnificent backdrop of Strandafjord, in Norway,
Secrets of the Water Meadow is an evocative, rich world where the senses are tingled and love is deep as the fjord itself. No matter what conflict simmers in the Askvold family, the ties are strong and the patience to persist in healing wins out.
click here to buy from Forty South  click here to buy from Amazon 
The Whispering Stone
ISBN 979-8385900909
A circle of salt on the ground, a wooden talisman and the ravings of an ancient mad woman – is it enough to free him from being haunted by his dead twin brother? Only the Whispering Stone, the sentinel, high up on Damage Cliffs, has the answer. It’s happened before. It will happen again. There is a debt to pay.

A beautiful, sad-eyed girl says she’s his cousin. His best friend says he’s a selfish jerk and the girl he’s in love with won’t speak to him. Welcome to Harry’s world. 

 click here to buy on Amazon

Seventeen year old Charlotte Campbell has to be beautiful, rich and ruthless to stay Queen of Harlington High School. But one day she discovers a terrible secret her father has kept from her since she was eight years old. Her past is incredible. She is a scientific anomaly with a dangerous ability. The merciless organisation, Elkwood, want her DNA. To get it, they will kidnap the one person who means the most in the world to her . 
click here to buy on Amazon

REBEL Book one of the Flight trilogy
ISBN  979-8345584828
A wounded flying hero struggling to accept his destiny, a shy girl of dark, mysterious secrets unaware of the power within her and a lonely youth out to prove himself worthy of his warrior father.

A race with dragon DNA suffer under malevolent overlords, dreaming of a hero to set them free. But what they get is a handsome young joker more interested in breaking the rules than breaking free his people.

Shifting patterns of loyalty and betrayal in a well-worked-out society make this a stylish and powerful story crammed with intriguing characters, heartbreak and addictive scenarios that keep you turning the pages.
click here to buy on Amazon
The Boy Who Went to War
ISBN  978-1517707729
The true story of Jim Haynes, who went off to war as a sixteen year old sailor. Read the amazing adventures and dangerous campaigns of this teenage warrior. It took 5 years to write his story with Jim, through many interviews and cups of tea!
 click here to buy on Amazon  buy from Five Senses Education

Friend in a Shell
ISBN 978-1-876870-81-2
Charlie has a new friend, Boris. 
Boris is super smart, even though all he can say is "Pfoooosht!" With a huge, shiny shell and waving eyestalks, Boris tends to scare people away. But all he really wants is for someone to scratch behind his head. Only Charlie is brave enough to be his friend. And then, disaster! News crews are swarming the park where Boris lives and the zoo wants to take him away as their prize exhibit.
Can Charlie keep Boris safe? And, what on Earth do you feed a giant snail? 
 click here to buy from Five Senses Education
Letters From the Dead
 ISBN 978-1977720702
A fictional paranormal crime story of Delia Fox, a 19 year old woman who has a dangerous gift - she can read the memories of the recently dead. Working for the police to solve mysterious deaths, Delia as she delves into the fascinating lives her gift brings to her. Sometimes the cases are linked, but the most important case of all is solving the hit and run death of her little brother Sean. When her evidence helps to send powerful criminals to jail, she herself  becomes a target. Delia speaks for the dead, but who will protect her from the living?
click here to buy from Amazon

12 Annoying Monsters -
Self-talk for Kids with Anxiety
ISBN 9781876870669

So, you’re a bit anxious sometimes. Or perhaps a lot. That’s OK! Lots of people feel anxious at times. Read on! This book will explain:

· What anxiety actually is.
· Why it’s a natural thing your body does to protect you.
· How you can learn to switch it off when it gets overpowering.

Wouldn’t that be awesome? You don’t have to be afraid of anxiety. You can control it. Let’s begin with what happens inside your body. It all starts in your brain…

Recommended for children 8yrs+ and their parents. Which traits has your child inherited from you? What can you do to inform and empower your child to overcoming feelings of anxiousness and fear? This book will make you laugh and give you tools to help. Illustrations are line drawings so that your child can colour them in and personalise his/her own book.

 click here to buy from Amazon

Sir Donald Bradman 
ISBN 978-0987483218

Don Bradman was an awesome sportsman who taught himself to play cricket by hitting a cricket ball with a stump off his family's water tank. He went on to shatter world records. His batting average still stands - 99.94.

This book is great for school projects or if you simply want a good read about this amazing, inspiring man, who stood only 170 cm tall but was the youngest player to score a test century. In his first season of international cricket he scored 2,960 runs with a batting average of 98.66. It was this brilliance which led to the invention of the dangerous 'Bodyline' method, by the English team, just to combat Bradman's skill.  

click here to buy from Amazon

The Anything Shop
ISBN 978192 1633515

Charlie has no money, but at The Anything Shop it doesn't matter. He can swap things he doesn't want. Charlie swaps two years of embarrassing hugs for a cricket bat that hits six runs every time.

But things go wrong at school and Charlie soon misses all those hugs form his family. Can he swap them back? And what's really going on at that weird looking shop?

Charlie and his new friend Sam snoop around and discover something very sinister about the owners, Meryl and Alfred. What do they want with things like children's hugs and laughter and tickles anyway?
  2. Characters from The Anything Shop
 click here to buy from Wombat Books

The Wobbly Wombat 
ISBN  9780731273744

Woody is the littlest wombat in Grey Gums Forest and finds it hard to keep up with all the other wombats. They tease him for his short, stubby legs. Woody spends a lot of time sitting under a teatree bush feeling lonely and wondering why the other wombats are so cruel to him. Finally, he decides to take action! He asks three wise characters of the forest for advice - Possum, Dingo and Koala.

Taking a pro-active stance that empowers children to shrug off the victim label, The Wobbly Wombat is unique. The lovely bush setting, so superbly illustrated by Nick Watson,  provides the perfect backdrop for a story about finding the courage to change your circumstances by changing your reactions to it. You'll fall in love with Woody, the brave little wombat who dares to confront those who tease him and embraces the excellent life advice given to him by the elders of the Bush. 
click here to buy from Booktopia.com.au

Fat Abby - Feline Investigator
 ISBN  9781876870171

Abby may be too fat to squeeze through her catflap, but she knows how to sniff out a mystery. When a new friend, Molly, goes missing, Abby must use all her investigator skills to find her, before evil, grey Fang does. Themes of friendship, courage, loyalty and a sensible curiosity to problem solving. 
click here to buy from Five Senses Education

 ISBN 9781530305506
A family of very successful cat burglars is finally caught and offered to work as spies for secret government agency PHANTOM. Only their family robot, a six foot metal man named Roger knows the truth about PHANTOM. He was a counter terrorism cyborg built there. As the family goes on their first mission Roger is being secretly modified by the creepy Professor Withers. When Roger returns to the family he is no longer a friend to their young son Ollie. He has now been implanted with the emotion chip - making him unpredictable and dangerous.
click here to buy from Amazon 

Other books in the Blueprints series which feature my work:

Forever Friends (Friendship, bullying etc)


(Early Australian History)


1 comment:

  1. Dear Dawn,
    I'm really enjoying the book '12 annoying monsters'.
    Even though I'm still up to chapter three!
    I haven't coloured in any monsters yet because:
    -I don't even have any of the special water pencils
    -I still haven't practised colouring as well as you
    -I'm not even up to the monster pages!

    It's not written by Yulia it is written from me, Lia


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NEW BOOK for younger readers is on it's way...

This year I have several writing projects to finish. One of them is a chapter book for younger readers, The Vanishing of Georgie Barrett. H...