Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Gabrielle Lord - Conspiracy 365 May

Kids' Book Review have reviewed Fat Abby - Feline Investigator! Check out the website here:

Have just finshed Gabrielle Lord's fifth book (May) in the C0nspiracy 365 series by Scholastic Australia. The clever plot drives on relentlessly, carrying poor Cal Ormond through more horrors and adventure. Whom can he trust, but his best buddy Boges? In book five his enemies have managed to get him committed to an asylum, from which he tries to escape, however the false identity they have created keeps him locked in therapy wth the dubiously intelligent Dr Snudgeglasser.

Finally, Cal manages an ingenious escape and flees to his Great Uncle Bartholomew. At last, a member of his family believes his story! But his joy is shortlived as Bartholomew figures out how Cal's enemies always know where to find him. For Cal, the reunion with his Great Uncle provides more clues to the Ormond Singularity, the secret his dying father tried to convey to his son on his deathbed. Cal is desperately homesick for his mother and little sister Gabby, but he can't go home. Despite his best efforts, Oriana De La Force's thugs have found him again and he must leave Bartholomew and flee in the little Orca airplane in the shed. Yes, that's right - fly a plane! Just when you think Cal is getting somewhere, his story twists again and he finds himself in more danger.

So far, Gabrielle Lord has kept up the suspense and drama for five books. Some of my students, notably boys, have caught the Consppiracy 365 bug and can't wait for the next instalment!

Check the website for competitions and prizes: CLICK

cheers, Dawn

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Metal Horses Waiting to Ride Away!

Check out these fantastic sculptures, near Yass NSW. Works of art in the street, these metal horses are a realistic size and you can't help but touch them!

cheers, Dawn

Thursday, 10 June 2010

The Wobbly Wombat by Dawn Meredith


Kid's Book Revew have reviewed my third book, The Wobbly Wombat. Click here:

This book deals with the topical issue of bullying. Characters are Australian animals, set in the beautiful Grey Gums Forest.

To order this book, click here:
The Wobbly Wombat

Friday, 4 June 2010

The Enterprise steam paddle boat

Here are some pics of The Enterprise, a steam powered paddle boat built in the 1800's. Unfortunately it is not in survey, so it can't take public passengers on a cruise, but the volunteers take good care of it, opening it for the public to come onboard and have a look at how boats were powered in the age of steam. A very tasty, aromatic lunch was cooked on this old stove!
cheers, Dawn

NEW BOOK for younger readers is on it's way...

This year I have several writing projects to finish. One of them is a chapter book for younger readers, The Vanishing of Georgie Barrett. H...