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Showing posts from November, 2012

Steam Punk Doggie

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share this steam punk pic. What a cutie! It's amazing the things artists can think up, design and make, isn't it? cheers, Dawn

Today's Writing Task - Nature's Comedians!

If you're stuck for character or plot, perhaps a stimulus picture like this one will get your brain firing again! Nature has many funny characters, some of whom do not get along. This Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo isn't happy about sharing his perch with a possum. It could get interesting when two characters have to work together, despite being natural enemies. See what you can come up with! cheers, Dawn

Dumb Ways to Die - the safety video that went viral

It's a cute, catchy song and the animation is likewise entertaining! Melbourne's Metro Transit authority had to make this safety video  because people were doing stupid things on train platforms, endangering their own lives and those of others. There's a brilliant website  here that explains more. Such a pity that it's necessary to remind people that trains are dangerous! But enjoy the video. I guarrantee you won't get the song out of your head for a little while! cheers, Dawn

Colin Firth and the power of books

Writing tips with author Dawn Meredith

Ever had a great idea and found yourself hesitant to actually begin the project? That blank, white screen on the computer can be daunting, like a snowstorm coming at you, daring you to try and find your way alone. But you can put your head down and plunge right into it, with a few tricks to get you started. I have 17 small notebooks crammed with ideas from 1994 to present day. I still carry a nice leather one with me, but in the last couple of years when I've started a new project I've graduated to something different - A4 notebooks I make myself. Sound weird? Check it out. 1.  I bought a binding machine and some plastic combs, some clear plastic 'fronts' and some stiffer card for the 'backs'. It's so easy to use! And I can add new pages whenever I want, simply by placing the comb on the machine again, opening it up and slotting in the new pages. 2.  I write long hand , (remember that? with a pen?) The strangest thing is, I write q...

The Hobbit - fly Middle Earth Airlines!

Peter Jackson's new movie, 'The Hobbit' is coming soon! Meanwhile. sit back and watch this clever ad! Middle Earth Airlines cheers, Dawn