Ever had a great idea and found yourself hesitant to actually begin the project? That blank, white screen on the computer can be daunting, like a snowstorm coming at you, daring you to try and find your way alone. But you can put your head down and plunge right into it, with a few tricks to get you started. I have 17 small notebooks crammed with ideas from 1994 to present day. I still carry a nice leather one with me, but in the last couple of years when I've started a new project I've graduated to something different - A4 notebooks I make myself. Sound weird? Check it out. 1. I bought a binding machine and some plastic combs, some clear plastic 'fronts' and some stiffer card for the 'backs'. It's so easy to use! And I can add new pages whenever I want, simply by placing the comb on the machine again, opening it up and slotting in the new pages. 2. I write long hand , (remember that? with a pen?) The strangest thing is, I write q...