(c) Dawn Meredith Te Puia workshop, New Zealand This workshop in New Zealand was stunning. In this room apprentices work for years, perfecting the art of totem carving, learning the styles, symbols, family histories, Maori mythology and respect for their ancient culture. It's not a job for the fast paced, hyperactive person. It takes care, love, skill and one more thing - Tenacity. Michael Hauge, one of Hollywood's most successful screenwriters, mentors and novelists says the same of successful writers - "Every successful screenwriter or novelist I know possesses one outstanding quality: Te nacity. The difference between working writers and wannabes isn't talent or age or gender or geography or connections or the industry or the economy or sunspots or anything else writers tell themselves to avoid facing this awful truth: writers write. They write every day, they started their current book or script as soon as they finished the last one,...