Thursday, 7 July 2011

Steampunk - What's not to love?

It's taking the world by storm but is by no means a new concept. Steam Punk has been around for decades, with loyal enthusiasts creating marvellous gadgets, costumes and even a house on wheels for conventions, films and get-togethers. Victoriana with a twist, its sort of like an alternative universe based upon the premise: What if steam were still our main source of energy? How would we adapt our lives to use it?
Steam Punk is full of adventure, creativity and a sense of nostalgia for days gone by, with luscious fabrics, ingenious creations in a fledgling industrial age, when people knew the meaning of 'manners', lived in smaller communities and actually talked to each other! (Now I'm getting off the subject and stepping onto one of my soapboxes) My friend Richard Harland has had enormous success with his first two steam punk novels, Worldshaker and Liberator. In Richard's world most human beings live on giant mulit-storied, steam driven juggernauts, roaming the great land masses of Earth.Worldshaker
Enjoy the pics!

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