I'm very happy to report that my newest book, 'The Boy Who Went to War' is officially launched!

I have been working with 91 year old Jim Haynes for five years to achieve this amazing victory. Slowly and carefully, extracting painful memories, reliving horrors and reminiscing over good times. For Jim, who suffers with PTSD it's been particularly difficult.
A positive day
The event drew a good size crowd who enjoyed the fabulous food laid on by a wonderful group of my personal friends. Thanks girls! Lots of kids came, which was what I wanted most of all, as this book was written for children. My passion is to bring a true story of wartime to the current generation, to give them an understanding of what it was actually like to be a child during WWII and hopefully encourage a sense of gratitude for the amazing, safe, suburban life they now lead. Thank you, Jim, for sharing your story with me. I have a greater appreciation of what you sacrificed and am honoured to have your friendship.
Want your own copy?
You can purchase your own copy from AMAZON here: Dawn Meredith books
Or in Australia from Five Senses Education here:
The Boy Who Went to War
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