Saturday, 2 September 2017

Visiting Alex Kelly's Social Skills program, Romsey UK

I was so pleased to visit Alex Kelly and her amazing staff today at their HQ in Romsey, Sussex. As research for my new book on social skills I wanted to touch base with her and see what her team gets up to. Wow, what a fantastic program! They make or publish many of their own resources in helping young people in the community with disabilities and communication difficulties. The place is so orgnaised and had a really relaxed and happy vibe. I met many of the clients and most of the staff. I was so impressed. Alex's dream is a reality.

As a Speech Therapist she has developed her working theory about socialising skills incorporated into general communication and embraced models such as Myers-Briggs personality typing to help her staff understand their strengths. This provides for flexibility in their caseloads and consulting work and keeps the wheels turning smoothly.

Alex herself is passionate and full of energy as well as being a savvy organiser. As a charity, her company reaches out to local businesses, schools and other groups to train and liaise. They have even taught local cafe staff 20 basic Makaton signs so they can communicate with non-verbal customers, as indicated by a sticker in the shop window. Brilliant! Alex is hoping to return to Australia in the near future to run programs there and I hope to be a small part of that.

Thanks for having me, guys! I loved it and appreciate your time. A special thanks to Amy for showing me around.

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