Well, we're nearing the end of 2019! I think I will concede defeat and start saying 'twenty...' instead of 'two thousand...' It seems simpler and less tongue twisty! What did you get up to over Christmas? We had a couple of gatherings and lots of great food! Harry loved his new toys. And the dogs' toys too!
We swam in the big dam for the first time since we moved here last year. That's now possible because of all the work hubby has done to clear away nasty thistles, bracken and bulrushes, so there's less places for snakes to hide... The water is so deliciously cool! next I'm going to buy some old pallets and make a sort of platform and then a floating raft thing you can swim out to. Won't that be fantastic?
So what's new?
I'm in my studio, facing its first summer here on the farm and its so far been pretty cool inside. The Lithuanian pine log cabin style seems to keep the heat in nicely in winter the cool inside in summer. I have been working very hard in my garden since the weather improved. Such lovely days we have now! Sunny, gentle breeze and around 25 Celsius. That's a Tassie summer for you! I have some gorgeous colours to gaze at while I beaver away at the keyboard and watch the birds splashing in the birdbath, catching insects on the fly and hopping about.
Superb Blue Wrens
Speaking of birds, the Superb Blues wrens are nesting in my big flower bed, among the pansies! If you look at the photo below you can see some red and yellow flowers. The wrens are nesting somewhere between them, quite low to the ground. I only found this out because I was hauling out the ridiculously long and overgrown pansies and came across the nest. The female takes 3-4 days to build it. Unfortunately the three chicks in the first nest died so this is her second attempt. Good luck Mrs Wren!
In other news, we have a beautiful new girl in our lives - Kelly. She is a three year old palomino, quarter horse/warmblood. She is stunning! And has a sweet temperament. She's only very young (horses can live to 40 years old) and full of mischief! Adjusting to life here on our farm has been different for her, because she had never left the stud where she was born. Kelly is learning lots every day and getting on with the sheep and our border collies Polly and Flossie.
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Kelly the palomino |
You can see more of all of them on instagram @mytasmaniangarden.
Kelly has her own hastag - #kellythepalomino
So does Harry #harryatcrumbletonmanor
For my new book coming out soon, a young adult fantasy novel, Rebel, I have finished drawing a white eagle, which is one of the characters in the book. Everyone who pre-orders a copy through the publisher's website Shooting Star Press will receive a copy of Freya, the giant white eagle! Here is the finished drawing:
New Book
In other news, I have started writing my next book! All you mid graders out there may be interested to know that I'm working on a farmstay series called Hartfields. The first book is called The Foal of Emerald Queen. Chapter one is complete and now chapter two is coming into life. It's about Jessica Jane, called JJ by her friends, whose family decides to up and move to Bear Island. Lots of chaos and fun! And horses. So if you are interested in how horses think and feel and act, this book will be great! If you're into adventure you'll love it too. I'd love to tell you more but... not yet.
Well, that's it for now. I have to get back to writing. Have an excellent New Year's Eve and many warm wishes for fun and excitement in 2020.
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